Sunday, September 1, 2013

See You Next Year August!

August has been and gone, and winter is officially over until next year. July & August are generally my favourite months of the year. I love winter clothes so much better, and I especially would prefer the colder months over our hot summers. This years winter was pretty much a cold summer, there was only really a weeks worth of really cold weather. The hot heat won't settle in for a couple of months yet, so I intend on making the most out of spring. I had every intention of doing an all day spring clean, but Luke & I decided to go for a little day trip to buy cupcakes. And our spring clean sort of got put on hold. So this week I am going to get stuck into sorting things out and getting things done. 

This month we booked a photography session when we went to the monthly markets yesterday. This is something we have been meaning to do for the past couple of months. I am glad we waited though, now that Romy is a little bigger and has grown into her features and she looks more distinguished. She also has been practicing her smiles this past month and showing them off like its nobodies business! Which will be nice to see in her upcoming photo session. Another thing I finally got to cross off my to-do-list was set up my Kindle! You guys, I received this as a birthday present last December! So it was about time I put this into action. I will always prefer to read the printed word, however I don't like carting around an abundance of books each move and having a library on an awesome device like the Kindle is far more practical. I also now no longer need to leave my house to buy a book! 

We kept ourselves quite busy this month with dinner dates, spending time with our family, visits from friends & morning market dates. This month Romy hit the four month mark and had her four month needles. It is a little crazy to think her next monthly milestone will be five months! Around the time we first bought her home, one of my friend's babies was teething, and I remember thinking how far away that was for us & Romy and feeling like the newborn sleepless nights were going to go on forever. But they have passed and Romy is now teething, and doing so many other new things. Now that she is more active and awake longer during the day, I've planned my days differently so that I spend all my day focusing on her, and spending my evenings catching up on things around the house and doing things for myself. We made a lot of positive changes this month, and I'm looking forward to making more in September. And am definitely looking forward to the spring season!

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post! Romy is so adorably cheeky looking in these photos. :) I can't wait to see some of the photos from your family photo shoot soon!



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